– a whole network of web-generators

When you sit in front of your monitor stretching your hands towards the keyboard you already know the steps you are going to make to start sometimes enjoyable and sometimes painful development process. You draw, you code, you go through manuals – you just do it. But do you always realize that sometimes you can omit some steps? Resistance to change is a well known factor which awakes laziness to look for something what machines were built for – do our job.

online generator

The founders think that’s enough. No more re-inventing the wheels. Developers can save even more time on graphical interface then before by using online applications that generate little elements for you. That’s the purpose of the projects network: save time for developers and provide high quality content.

Today, the Online Generator network consists of 3 projects with the 4th one coming to life soon: – being the first project in the network, it generates so called AJAX loaders (little animations that indicate that something is loading on the page). The main difference of this project from other generic loading animation generators is that it provides about 300 different animation templates including 3-Dimensional animations, spinners, bars, zodiac signs, social networks logos and the recently added custom letters and word animations. But it’s not just about the templates. You are given a lot of power to do anything you want with the images using the generator form. – no it’s not an icon search engine. At least it’s not just about that. Having found an icon you can modify it within the project in regards to your needs. From the list of options, you can select the image type (.PNG, .JPG, .GIF, etc.), set foreground and background colors, set the size of the image and rotate it. Currently the project has >50 000 of unique icon templates that are released for free use. – another little online gadget for indicating loading activity on a web-site or an application. The difference between this one and the Preloaders project is that, CSSload generates the animations with the means of pure CSS and no images at all. Having clicked on the “Get code” button you will get CSS and HTML code that you can place on your application or web-site.

The last application – This web-application will let developers and designers do almost anything with animations online. Right now it’s on deve As OnlineGenerator developers say – “This is not the final project, though. Having completed Animizer, we will still be following our path to creating new outstanding generators with functionality that none of other projects possess.”


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1 Response

  1. Wow how much variety of good applications for web designers.It surely rocks,thanks for sharing.I like it as it is an online app.

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