Perfect SEO-Optimized Articles for WordPress
One of the most effective ways to keep traffic running through old posts on a blog or website is to optimize them on a search engine. SEO-friendly articles rank high with search engines compared to others. For instance, a search for SEO company in Vancouver returns a number of websites that deal with search engine optimization but narrows the search to Vancouver. Running a blog requires constant update with new quality posts to maintain online traffic. Search engines treat a single post on the blog as a webpage hence the need to optimize each post to improve ranking on search engines.
Post Title and Meta Title
Understanding the difference between these two terms is crucial for the article. A Post title shows how the reader views the post while a meta title is what the search engines see and show the result on searching. A meta title should contain key words to give the critical interest of the search. A meta description, usually found in all SEO plugins, allows the author of the article to include a meta title that is captured by the search engine.
Image Titles
Apart from the meta title, search engines such as Google do not recognize images on the articles. Thus, an image attached to the article should contain a name that relevantly describes the image. The key words describing the image are well captured by the search engines to give good SEO ranking of the article. One of the effective plugins is the SEO Friendly Image which uses image name ALT (alternative text) attributes such that when people search for the image on Google or the image key words, they land on the article webpage to read the entire article. It is also important to use keywords when naming the image using the alt text technique.
Interlink and Anchor Text
When writing a new post, it is important to link back to older posts such that reader can backtrack through the search engine to read them. Interlinking requires an anchor text where the article author provides the link and key-worded title of the link. For instance, using WordPress Insights helps with quick interlinking of old posts.
Permalink and Remove Stop Words
When writing a new post, establish a permalink without stop words. For example in a post titled “3 Ways to Make a Blog Business Plan”, a permalink such as “.com/3-ways-to-make-a-blog-business-plan.html” contains stop words “to” and “a” which should be eliminated for better SEO ranking. However, the post permalink should not be changed when the post is already published.
H1, H2, H3, Headings
Headings in an article are important aspects of SEO and should not be ignored. In most SEO-optimized articles, the post title takes H1 tags while the subheading takes H2 tags and so on. Proper use of heading tags is critical for effective Search Engine Optimization, especially when the article post is quite long. In addition to using headings, it is advised that the headings contain keywords of the article to improve the ranking.
In summary, a SEO-friendly post should have a Post title for the reader and search engine keywords featured in the H1, H2, H3 heading format. The post permalink should not contain stop words to improve the search while interlinking posts should be done using the anchor text with keywords. Correct naming of images and post meta descriptions are critical for a SEO-optimized blog article.