Maximize Your Email Copywriting Strategy With These Points

Copywriting holds an important position in effective online marketing campaign. However, this element many a times is overlooked by experts. Copywriting is equally important for seasoned writers and for novices to strengthen their editorial skills. This also helps to make sure that the email marketing communication has valuable information. If copies are written effectively, the reader can easily get info about the offer and know well how to respond over the same. We are explaining some of the effective tips that will help to generate effective copies that engage your reader till the end.

mail Copywriting Strategy

1. Research about the kind of audience you have

It is always good to know the type of audience you are addressing your copy to. Knowing about their likes will help you to generate a copy that is effective and engaging at the same time. Writing for your audience is always effective when you know what is important to them. Doing some survey about the products and services your audience purchased from you in the past can also help to generate effective copy. The more you write customer centric copy, the more significant your copy will be.

2. Focus on the line of subject

The subject line is the shortest piece of writing yet it is one of the most important elements of your content. The challenge while writing the most concrete subject line is that you need to make your reader excited about some special offer, providing him enough information, all in fifty characters or less. For this purpose, it is advised to write the most important information at the top. Even if the words exceed, you can breathe easily as the important info has already been delivered.

3. Make your copy promotional and informational as well

Even if the aim of your copy is to promote a product, it is always good to associate some information with the same. For example, supplementing the announcement of a new product with some of non-corporative information such as interview of an eminent personality can help in this regard. Offering different sorts of content in your copy can also act as an important factor.

4. Generate effective write-up to involve your readers

Engaging your reader with the piece of writing you are generating is always good, as it connects your audience  directly with you. Including stories such as reader poll, FAQ sections, user-generated content can also engage the reader in the content. The success of social networking sites in present times is an example to it.

5. Write an imperative headline

If the subject line is the key to let the reader open the email, the headline is the next thing to compel your reader to read further. You need to convince your reader to open the mail with the use of the best words you can. Write your headline in a manner that there is the essence of the content in the headline only. If your reader gathers the required curiosity with the headline only, he is sure to go further. It is advised to make the headline after writing the content, as it can help to put the soul of the write up in the headline.

6. Make a crystal clear CTA button

Too many call to action buttons may confuse or overwhelm your reader. Your aim with your copy is to provide valuable information to your subscribers and not to confuse them; therefore, do not provide too many options. It is advised to make the CTA button exactly about the information you are providing in the write up. The placement of call to action button matters and thus place it attractively at a point where it is easy to watch and has the potential to draw the subscribers’ attention.

7. Address the subscribers’ needs in your copy

Email campaigns are only successful if they successfully meet the requirement of the subscribers’. Thus, email marketers should look upon these campaigns from subscribers’ point of view, as it can help them in drawing customers’ attention. An email campaign can easily be made successful if it is written about the fact “what is important to audience?”. Understanding the requirements of your audience can make the email campaign a successful one.

8. Avoid weasel words

The most important thing that should be kept in mind while writing a headline is that do not use words that bring the impression of a direct command to the user. Make sentences with may or can, so that the reader can easily connect to the write up. It is always good to involve your reader in every piece of writing, as it can let the reader connect with the same. This is the ultimate aim of every email campaign.

9. Make structures in present tense

It is always good to make your sentences in the present form and avoiding structures with passive voice. Making short and meaningful sentences is always good. Offer your reader something that is easy to digest. In case, your reader is confused with your write up, your email campaign may not get the required success. Read your copy as soon as you finish it, it will help to find out the mistakes that must be corrected before the copy is released.

10. Include your customers’ quote

A convincing quote from your existing customers can help you to add credibility in your campaign. Writing your customer’s quote with some of their personal information as their name, the city and state they belong to along with their photo can be an added advantage for your email campaign to be successful.


By keeping these points in your mind, you can easily receive success with your email copywriting strategy. The prime aim of such campaigns is to email your copy successfully that can only be done by sticking to the points briefed above.

Author bio:

As a passionate email marketer at EmailChopper, author name has expertise in designing attractive and equally informative email strategies. The author is accustomed with the latest trends going on in email marketing and shares his knowledge with readers with effective piece of writing. You can follow : Facebook, Twitter, Google+


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