SEO Nova New WordPress SEO For You!
SEO Nova can easily be defined as the WordPress SEO solution for bloggers at any level of experience. SEO Nova offers all the amazing features of its top predecessors plus so much more. Deciding to pursue developing a WordPress plug-in was an easy choice. Too many friends, clients and colleagues seem to experience similar annoyances. Using alternative WordPress SEO plug-ins just didn’t provide enough instructional content, understandable feature descriptions, let alone optimization advice.
We developed the SEO Nova Plug-in with the main intention of providing the community with everything you need, to avoid feeling overwhelmed by optimization techniques and practices. When it comes to increasing your web presence, we believe it should be done in a convenient and informative manor. It’s completely understandable that not everyone knows how to even begin the optimization process. With that being said, we wrote very easy to read descriptions under each function in order to instill piece of mind for what each feature actual provides.
If you are already using an alternative SEO wordpress plug-in, no need to worry. SEO Nova will automatically import all the settings you may have already predefined. Once you download our plug-in, simply verify the options by logging into your wordpress blog selecting through to Setting and then SEO Nova. SEO Nova is also fully compatible with earlier versions of wordpress, though we do recommend that you always upgrade to the latest version of wordpress.
We’ve also included a feature break-down below with additional recommendations and information.
SEO Nova

Additional Function Details
Meta Title Tag:
Remember if this option is not defined, the default blog title will get used (which is an unfavorable technique).
Meta Description Tag:
The Meta description tag is a snippet of HTML code that belongs inside the section of a Web page. It usually is placed after the Title tag and before the Meta keywords tag, although the order is not too important. Take advantage of fitting important keywords or phrases within your blogs Meta Description to fully take advantage of this feature.
Meta Keyword Tag:
This option lets you specify what keywords you would like to be found under. We do advise that you avoid using very popular high trafficked keywords because ranking for those terms by means of a blog is extremely unlikely. Instead, choose very relevant or niche keywords or phrases that more uniquely describe your blog.
- REMEMBER Separate each keyword or phrase by a comma
- Its recommended to try and stay under five keywords in order apply the most emphasis to those terms
- The five keywords should all be very relevant to the theme of your content
- Common practice technique is using singular and plural versions of like keywords.
- This meta tag is more effective if these practices are specifically tailored on each post and page level
Rewriting Title Formats:
These options are all about the title tags. The title tag is also used as the words to describe your page when someone adds it to their “Favorites” or “Bookmarks” lists. The title tag is crucial for search engines. The text you use in the title tag is one of the most important factors in how a search engine may decide to rank your web page. In addition, all major crawlers will use the text of your title tag as the text they use for the title of your page in search engine listings. So take your time when writing the titles of each post or page.
- Think about the key terms you’d like your page to be found within the search engines
- Incorporate those terms into your title tag in a short descriptive fashion.
- Use your most important keyword first and then supporting keywords can follow after
- Think about incorporating keywords that did not make the cut for your title and add those as your Meta keywords
Note: If are using any type of cache plug-in i.e. “wp super cache”, etc. You will have to actually clear your own cache for the titles to be visible. This can be performed by deleting the cache through Settings à WP Super Cache, and then the titles will be visible immediately.
Use Categories for META keywords:
This option lets you automatically add the Category Titles (on posts you’ve specified categories for), as the Meta keywords for that specific post/page. Note that these will be added in addition to any keywords and tags you specify for the post/page. Hence do not duplicate, by specifying the category names as keywords, if this option is turned on.
Use NoIndex for Categories, Archives, Post/Page Tags, Author, Search, & RSS :
What is the benefit?
- When you write continuous posts under the same category, the search engines will usually recognize this as duplicate content. Although you may not experience a drastic loss in pagerank, this function is included to allow you to have complete customization over tailoring your blog to optimization best practices.
- The webmaster guidelines advise you to prevent your internal search result pages from being indexed as well
- It is recommended that you do not NoIndex everything. You still want to allow your blog to rank for posts, categories and maybe RSS feeds. All options are available because we believe it’s really a bloggers personal preference to choose
Note: An RSS feed can appear days before the actual page shows up in Google’s index. This is nothing to worry about because the googlebot grabbed for something to ID as quick as it could to determine the originator of content. If you watch closely, (and have enough pagerank/trust) after 3 (or sometimes more) days your RSS information disappears and is replaced by the actual page or post.
Auto Generate Descriptions:
By checking this option under the advanced section, your META descriptions will get autogenerated, if there’s no excerpt. i.e. the first 160 characters of your post/page content will be automatically assigned to the meta description tag.