wordpress feed plugins

The DFE News Harvester
Register and monitor news feeds, post article links as posts
SubZane YouTube Recent Videos Widget
This plugin can allows you to display a thumbnail list of YouTube videos in your sidebar.
Feed Reading Blogroll
The plugin improves your blogroll or even your blogpage by displaying the freshness and the latest post-title of your bookmarks.
Feed To Post
This plugin allows you to transform items from a feed to wordpress’s posts.
Simple Feed List
Simple Feed List is a WordPress plugin that displays a list of entries from a valid RSS feed.
Import and display Feeds in your blog, use PHP or the Shortcode.
Twitter Widget Pro
A widget that properly handles twitter feeds, including parsing @username and URLs into links. Requires PHP5.
Google Calendar Feed Parser
This plugin parses and displays upcoming events from a Google Calendar XML feed.
Blubrry PowerPress Podcasting plugin
Add podcasting support to your blog.
RSS Atom Avatar
Add an image and favicon to your RSS and Atom feeds!
Feed Pauser
Feed Pauser allows you to delay the publishing of RSS feeds after you have published a post
Adds full podcasting support to WordPress.
SimpleTwitter Modified
SimpleTwitter displays the most recent twitter post (tweet) for a given user. The tweet is cached on the webserver for a number of minutes.
A very easy way to get your site onto Digg, Stumble, Del.icio.us, Slashdot, and Technorati.
MagpieRSS Simplified
MagpieRSS is already integrated with WordPress, this plugin will allow you to implement it easily within your theme.
ActivityStream extension
An extensions which adds the ActivityStream ([activitystrea.ms](http://www.activitystrea.ms)) syntax to your Atom-Feed
A simple function to show blog posts linking back to any article, similar to Google Backlinks
This plugin is made for easily embedding videos into a blog post or page.
QF-GetThumb is a plug-in that extracts the image data from the content and the argument, and makes the thumbnail.
Feed Comments Number
Add an image that displays the number of comments to your feed items.
Extra Feed Links
Adds extra feed auto-discovery links to various page types (categories, tags, search results etc.)
Fresh From FriendFeed and Twitter
Keeps your blog always fresh by regularly adding your latest and greatest content from FriendFeed or Twitter. No external passwords required!
Add to Any Subscribe Button
Helps readers subscribe to your blog using any feed reader or feed emailer.
Inserta lectores RSS web en tu blog – Insert web reading RSS in you blog
Adds WP functions, copyright, and more to your RSS feed items.
Feed Subscriber Stats
This plugin will show the number of subscribers according to FeedBurner/Google.
Status Press Widget
Adds a Widget to display your Facebook/Twitter/Last.FM/Pownce status in your sidebar.
Special Feed Items
Allows you to put special characters in front of special items in your RSS feed. For instance, all items filed “Noteworthy” could get a &hea
FeedBurner Widget
Sidebar widget to easy customize and display your FeedBurner RSS subscribers stats button. All settings are available from Sidebar Widget Admin.
A dream plugin for Podcasters using WordPress..
LinkShare AdMix
LinkShare AdMix gathers new deals from LinkShare’s RSS feeds and mixes them into your blog.
Align RSS Images
Scans your RSS feed and ensures that every image has the correct alignment and margin settings.
Avatars for Comment Feeds
This plugin will add avatars of comment-authors to the comment-feeds of your WordPress-Blog.
Get Free Web Designs Widget
This widget will show the most recent designs from Get Free Web Designs. Requires PHP5.
Allows WordPress bloggers to send email updates to a given email address any time an RSS feed is updated.
TIL Technorati Incoming Links
This plugin allows you to add again the Technorati Incoming Links to your dashboard (in WordPress 2.3 or later)
MyAnimeList for WordPress
MAL for WordPress displays your recently watched anime in your WordPress blog.
Generates a daily post digest from many customisable Feed sources.
iCal for Events Calendar
Add an iCal feed to your site for the Events Calendar plugin
CM Subscriber Stats
See your email list subscriber statistics on your WordPress dashboard.
Feed Layout
Feed Layout enables controls to modify the feed contents adding headers, footers, copyright notices.
KB Advanced RSS Widget
Similar to the default RSS widget, but gives you complete control over how RSS feeds are parsed for your sidebar.
Jabber Feed
This plugin feeds Jabber server pubsub nodes when new posts are published on WordPress and comments are added.
A powerful lifestreaming plugin which provides a historical views of your activities online by aggregating it from any service you use.
BBU’s RSS Feed Campaign Tagger
Marketers should know their numbers, but most bloggers and publishers are shooting in the dark when asked for conversions, i.e. sales or other goals,
A lightweight script used to display the contents of your CellarTracker cellar on your website.
This WordPress plugin provides a customizable image always showing the last posts of your blog.
Displays news items from selectable Send2Press RSS feeds, inline, as a widget or in a theme. Multiple feeds allowed.
CNN News
Displays news items from selectable CNN News RSS feeds, inline, as a widget or in a theme. Multiple feeds allowed.
Google News
Displays news items from selectable Google News RSS feeds, inline, as a widget or in a theme. Multiple feeds allowed.
Adds MediaRSS to your RSS2 feeds. The first image in a post will be the post’s thumbnail on services that support it (e.g. FriendFeed)
Feedage Tracker
This plugin will add subscription buttons to allow users to subscribe to your RSS Feed and allows you to track your rss feed usage on Feedage.com
EP Tools (Eros Pedrini Tools) – Atom Fix
This plugin fixes a validation problem related with RFC 4685 atom feed extension.
Gives you the possibility to exclude certain parts of your posts automatically from the RSS feed.
Iphoneize my Feed
Iphoneize my Feed helps you to make a iphone compatible feed, you must have no php language
BlogRush Click Maximizer
BlogRush Click Maximizer allows you to control what you want to display in BlogRush.
Adds category, tag and comment feed auto-discovery links.
WP-Profilactic publishes your LifeStream or informs readers where to find you online by parsing your aggregated activity mashup from Profilactic.
RSS FEED anywhere
This tool allows you to stream your RSS-FEED from anywhere!
Feed Key
Feed Key adds a 32bit (or 40bit) key for each of your users, creating a unique feed url for every registered on user the site.
Create advanced, fully customizable RSS feed widgets. You can use this to replace the built in RSS widget or along side it.
A powerful lifestreaming plugin which provides a historical views of your activities online by aggregating it from any service you use.
Alter Feed Links
Allows you to change the URI of links to feeds e.g. to direct readers to FeedBurner feeds rather than the plain WordPress feeds.
Disables all feeds (rdf, rss, rss2, atom).
RSS Post Editor
This plugin allows you to add content RSS feed articles so that users have to subscribe to your feeds to view such content.
WP_BlogNetworking is a free plugin for WordPress to allow networks of bloggers to share headlines through a central feed of affiliate sites.
FD Feedburner Plugin
Redirects the main feed and optionally the comments feed seamlessly and transparently to Feedburner.com.
Top Friends
Top Friends is a WordPress blogroll enhancement plugin. The plugin will fetch your friends?? feeds, and then display the feed??s name and status icon
The plugin can search for the RSS address from your blog Links(Blogroll) automatically,and create a OPML menu.
Extends the feed at copyright, a digital fingerprint, IP of feed-reader, comments, related posts! Search for content theft and many more features.
Twitter Feed
The Twitter Feed plugin makes including and linking to tweets on multiple Twitter accounts simple and flexible.
Pimp my Feed
Adds Text and/or HTML-Code before and after posts in your Feed. For example a copyright notice or a legal disclaimer.
Plugin hides chosen parts of postings from common visitors and shows them to feed-subscribers only.
FeedCache Pipes
Caches RSS Feeds for display on your WP sidebar. A list of RSS urls can be entered and the feeds will be aggregated into one list ordered by date.
Adapted version of the KB Advanced RSS Widget to be used with preset Sportgate News Feeds only
With the inlinefeed plugin you can display and embed RSS/ATOM feeds in your WordPress posts and pages.
Add Pheedo
Add Pheedo simplifies the process to include ads from the Pheedo RSS advertising network into your WordPress RSS feed
RSS Image Widget
This plugin provides you with a widget to display images from a feed. It requires the SimplePie plugin to be installed.
Displays links from del.icio.us, Technorati, Reddit, Digg and TailRank that is relevant to the current category of your blog
WordPress Topic Maps (WP2TM)
License: FreeBSD Semantic Web plugin which adds XML Topic Maps (XTM) feed support to WordPress blogs.
SimplePie Core
Does little else but load the core SimplePie API library for any extension that wants to utilize it.
Buddy Love
Allows you to show a random sampling of headlines from sites listed in your WordPress blogroll.
APML support for WordPress
This plugin creates an APML Feed using the the native tags and categories of WordPress 2.3.x, but it also supports UltimateTagWarrior and SimpleTaggin
Allows inlcusion of RSS feeds, external html etc from any source in any format, and optionally transforms the feed via XSLT.
Google Subscribed Links
Generates a feed compatible with Google Coop which highlights your site to subscribers in their search results.
Feed Styler
Feed Styler enables you to keep your existing styles for your post, but allows a different style to be applied to the feed.
Upcoming Events
This plugin can receive iCalendar feeds from third party sites and display aggregated upcoming events from multiple feeds in your sidebar.
Slash Comments
Adds the slash:comments module to feeds, which tells the feed reader how many comments there are on the post.
SimpleTwitter displays the most recent twitter post (tweet) for a given user. The tweet is cached on the webserver for a number of minutes.
I want to show complete post while opening RSS feed of my blog (http://www.cheapmonthlymobile.co.uk/blog/). How can i do that? I already enabled “Full Text” option in reading section, but doesn't works? Help Me!!!
I want to show complete post while opening RSS feed of my blog (http://www.cheapmonthlymobile.co.uk/blog/). How can i do that? I already enabled “Full Text” option in reading section, but doesn't works? Help Me!!!