Google Super Sized Search Box

Today, you’ll notice on google  homepage and on its search results pages that  search box is growing in size and also a larger font size as you type in the field, with correspondingly larger text for Google Suggest results below.

It makes  homepage even easier and more fun to use.

It’s a small change that makes search more prominent.

Google has always been first and foremost about search, and They committed to building and powering the best search on the web — now available through a supersized search box.

A larger textbox make the search engine more funny and comfortable. what do you see?


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1 Response

  1. nhubi says:

    Ok, so it’s super-annoying. Sorry but they really should remember the old adage, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Oh and if they do incorporate video ads, I’m just going to add them to my blocked content. If I wanted a website to talk to me I’d turn on text to speech. For conversation I go out into the real word, pick up a phone, use skype even, the web isn’t around so I can have some h/bimbo blah, blah, blah at me.

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