20 Best Scary Fonts

No matter how fast our heart starts beating and how terrifying we feel, we cannot stop watching the horror movies or read the horror books. Though we feel scary, but we also get some vicious pleasure out of it. In the horror website or graphical designs using the right fonts is extremely important as it helps in creating the right effect. Since typography is an important part of web as well as print design, using an appropriate one is extremely important.

The designers have the option of creating these fonts on their own with the help of the applications present in the graphic designing platforms or download the ready to use gothic fonts for their projects. Moreover, these open source gothic fonts will also help the designers to draw muse for developing their exclusive gothic font style. These fonts are perfect for designing different kinds of horror movie posters, cover page of horror books as well as websites pertaining to this theme. Starting from vampire style to monster, ghost, demon and other sinister font styles are present on the internet that will aid in designing a really creepy and eerie poster or design.

You will find below some of the best Scary Fonts


BSF 01

2. Unquiet Spirits

BSF 02

3. Night bird

BSF 03

4. Vampiress

BSF 04

5. Monsters Attack!

BSF 05

6. Face Your Fears

BSF 06

7. Nameless Harbor

BSF 07

8. Sinister Plot

BSF 08

9. Demon Night

BSF 09

10. Tear

BSF 10

11. Lunacy More

BSF 11

12. Symbiotic

BSF 12

13. Spykker

BSF 13

14. Buffied

BSF 14

15. Thicket

BSF 15

16. Frank Knows

BSF 16

17. Jack the ripper

BSF 17

18. Bleeding freaks

BSF 18

19. Crazy Killer

BSF 19

20. Daemonesque

BSF 20

We have compiled the twenty scariest fonts among the hundreds of the available options on the web world. Make the best use of these fonts to create attractive but scary designs that will attract more readers or viewers. All the designs present on this list are of different kinds, thereby providing the designers with varying options to choose from. Enjoy!!



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