Content Creation Tips for Ecommerce Sellers

Many ecommerce sellers understand the value written content brings to their site in the form of search engine traffic and customer engagement. However, they are at a loss for actually creating this content. They wonder how to come up with topics, how to ensure constant updates, and where to source their content.

The simple answer to these questions is to get someone else to do it by hiring a freelancer or an agency. However, a lot of e-sellers don’t have the budget or desire to go this route. This blog post is directed towards those folks.

Here are a few content creation tips for ecommerce sellers.

Post Helpful Hints & Lifehacks

If you’re having difficulty coming up with content ideas or topics for your blog, consider your areas of expertise. For instance, if you sell auto accessories and related products online, you may have tidbits of helpful information.

Perhaps you know the best ways to clean your car, or information about the inexpensive ways to boost the bass on your car stereo. These are things customers want to know and are willing to read about.

In other words, content providing helpful hints to your readers including how-tos and lifehacks is a great place to start.

Answer Customer Queries in-Depth

Perhaps you noticed several shoppers leaving questions about e-book recommendations on your social media pages. Take this as a source of inspiration.

You could publish any number of blogs discussing e-books for book clubs, college graduates and ad fininitum. In other words, when you start looking for inspiration, you are more likely to find it.

Similarly, you can answer customer questions about your e-store. Tired of explaining the custom order process to people? Write a blog post that anticipates customer questions regarding duration, costs, and what to expect.

Make Product & Combo Recommendations

This next tip is especially helpful for Shopify-built ecommerce stores that sell cosmetics or clothing accessories. Self-proclaimed fashionistas love to mix and match colors, textures, and styles to achieve that perfect look.

As an e-seller, you have to opportunity to guide readers through your product lines and recommend combinations appropriate for a night on the town, a job interview, a first date, or a music festival.

While it’s best not to come off as overtly advertorial, it is okay to link to your product pages within your content piece for easy viewing. When done correctly, it is the perfect marriage of marketing and actionable content.

Invite Guest Posts & Encourage Your Staff Members to Submit Content

Consider opening your ecommerce blog to guest posts from affiliate brands, suppliers, partners, brand advocates and loyal fans. These folks often have unique insights and ideas.

In that same vein, you can source content from your internal staff. Even if your customer service rep isn’t a natural born writer, they may still have valuable insights into what consumers are looking for. Similarly, a social media coordinator might have a trove of customer-submitted photos that would look great in a yearly round-up post.

Keep a Content Calendar

It’s easy to forget good ideas or get behind. A content calendar can keep you on a steady pace. It will also help you anticipate and hit holidays. These are easy fodder for ecommerce blog content:

You can run gift guides for Valentine’s Day, 12 days of gifting for Christmas, and dessert suggestions for the Fourth of July, etc. In addition to being “low hanging fruit”, it’s content people will want to read.

In the end, these content creation tips for ecommerce sellers are all about creativity. A small bit of thought combined with innovation will take you a long way.


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