Exposing the Amazing power of Twitter Search Engine

Twitter is currently one of the largest search engines and social web on internet, there was some talk about Twitter replacing Google as the search engine, ultimately became the perfect complement to the Google search engine and traditional marketing. With over 200 million tweets per day, Twitter has a huge database, storage and facilitating conversations that are visible to virtually anyone who is willing.

People are talking about products, services, good / bad experiences, new ideas, moods, desires, needs, and virtually anything that can be expressed in 140 characters. This raw data conversation is your window to the discovery that audience is all and through Twitter, you are able to effectively achieve the things that the public is interested.

Let’s take a look at how you can begin to market-oriented search using twitter.com

twitter search engine

The importance of knowing your audience

Basic marketing practices include conducting market research on preferences and the types of customers and prospects, historical study of shopping and many other trends. All these data are important to marketers and online publishers, such as identifying a predictable result of efforts, and also help pay to set realistic goals.

You may have developed a passion for your niche and business, but what are your skills and knowledge, if you have no idea what you are trying and what they are actually looking for. One should make a plan to know more about audience, how one can make them interested in your products and how one can gain major competitive advantage because user knows exactly which direction to focus. Its’ almost like looking at the future through a crystal ball magic.

How search engine of Twitter is is helping to promote blogs and other types of businesses?

Suppose you decided to start blogging about cooking and at first you are not sure how your potential audience to respond to your content. With search.twitter.com you can do a search for cooking, baking or eating. Or a blog about losing weight and exercise, you can search ‘slimming’ and the results show exactly what people are talking about what they think about the problems and how they interact with each other .

After spending some time to study this information, you should have a good idea of ??the direction you need to take. Twitter is place where people and conversations happen to make money. If you are producing content for your blog or  for sale of products and services, you have access to market information through this search function only .To start building your blog , found blogger then start talks on relevant topics , introduce yourself and let them know what you are about and above all , build relationships , and do not spam .

Be Prepared- Focus on content

Above all, the quality of content is critical to the success of your online business. Once you have captured the public’s attention, you have to have something on their website that keeps them coming back for more. This is where you need to go to the end. There is no room for mediocrity or copied, regurgitated content. Quality content separates you from the average blogger and entrepreneur , going to excel in the perfect position to increase sales and attract offers that build your brand .Make sure that you are called to act how to subscribe to RSS feeds , e- mail and have their social profiles . Capture all calls and visits.


To know your audience is the key to having success of your company. Keep studying the interactions and prospects on Twitter as a part of your daily routine and record your results . At the end of the day, you should come to some solid conclusions about your niche and found bright ideas for building your business and brand, as well as the connection and your audience’s attention .

This article is contributed by Khalid Masood Awan. He is an professional Blogger /Writer, currently he is working in Search Engine Optimization company California. He loves blogging on innovative and attractive trends in market.


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