Hosting One of the Main Factors When It Comes to Local SEO

Before we go any further let’s start with an explanation or two on what Local SEO is and what hosting actually entails. Let’s start with Local SEO. Local Search Engine Optimization is the practice of optimizing your business/practice/agency website for the local sector. This usually looks at ranking on the local map pack. These are the first three results when searching for a service, product or brand that can be found in the vicinity. A good example of this is searching for a restaurant while in London. You will usually see something like this…


This is a prime example of how local SEO can improve your business dramatically. This shows how people searching on their phones while out and about will be finding your business if it is optimized for local SEO. But how hosting fit into this, well hosting does is where your website is in the real world. There are many server locations around the world and depending on what hosting provider your business uses usually depends on where your servers are located.

So How Do You Decide Which Hosting to Choose

Well it’s not as simple as choosing a plan. It doesn’t really matter if you have a great web design or great marketing ideas that may help you get your brand out there, but have in mind none of that matters if you don’t have a good hosting company.

If you have trouble understanding why good hosting so important for your website, here some facts that may help you understand better difference between good and bad host provider.

Available Really Matters

If you are already paying small amount of money to get your site online there more chance that you will be offline that online. This may be a common problem if you are paying for host because if just cheap, there are many hosting company that over sell they services they don’t have and eventually your site will suffer.

Have in mind the more you are online the more the chances you sell you product-services to potential clients. Always look for web host that can offer a at least an 99,9% up time and you can’t go wrong a good hosting service such as Seekahost that offers this in all their plans.

Fast Loading Website is Essential

Having a good web provider is important especially when comes to page loading time. Bad web host providers will defiantly have negative impact on your site such as low quality hardware or have way too many clients on his server without enough ram or CPU power to cover all websites. That will damage your websites reputation and lower you chances to get visitors and traffic.

You Should Always Have the Support you Need

Even if you are experienced or not running a web site is hard work. So have in mind when comes to picking your host provider should always be there for your support.

You will notice a difference among the hosts but a good host provider will always have many different support methods to implement whatever you need to. So if you don’t have host provider ready 24\7 that doesn’t offer such web hosting support means that your site will suffer.

Loss of Files and Data

There are many web host agency out there but the worst thing that can happen is when your web host provider decide to close down your servers for some reason and that is when comes to loss of files. Especially when they don’t implement backups.

Have in mind It’s better to pay a little more that less to hosting you choose, you have safety and you will know your hosting provider is there for you forever.


One of many reason when comes to picking a good website host provider is SEO, when your website goes offline your SERP (Search Engine Results Position) will suffer consequences. This is because you start to get a high bounce rate anyone searching for you will click wait see nothing is loading click back and go to the next result. Not to mention that website speed is a ranking factor that is just as important as mobile usability or https certificate.

As you can see the reasons for choosing an excellent hosting provider are numerous not to mention that your hosting is the home of your online business. If you’re not live then no one can visit you and that’s a problem if you’re paying for this service. Without proper hosting you can’t hope to accomplish a proper online image and reputation for your brand. Web hosting can have a huge impact on your business which is wise to take your time and choose wisely when it comes to hosting.


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