15+ Best jQuery Carousel Plugins

It takes more than just content to make your site interesting to the readers. Yes, content is definitely the most important aspect of your website but, it is not just content that people come to look at. People tend to click on interesting and beautiful pictures and the magical word here would be videos/photos. If you wish for good traffic on your website or blog don’t forget to post good pictures. Yes, a picture speaks a thousand languages and, louder than most of your content.

Said that, it is definitely difficult to absolve an interesting content with some pictures and make your website look interesting. The fonts need to look attractive and, the picture should not make your website look cluttered. A neat image comes across beautifully when it is well presented. You need to somehow magically connect the content with pictures and videos such that none of it looks excess and, your website does not look haphazard. So how do you manage to handle this? Well, it’s easy. Use jQuery plugins that would ease your life in a much better way. You can include the pictures using the plugin in such a manner that the whole website gets an animated feel and, the content and pictures don’t look unmatched. There’s a whole list of plugins which you can use to slide your content and pictures together.


bubble slider

Want eye catching effects, use the bubbleslider plugin. It is a basic slider which gives solid effects. The light version is 3kb while a commented version is available for 8kb. You have a thumbnail scroller too which makes it easy to use.



Love for animations could make you use this plugin. It has amazing animations along with thumbnails and mouseover slider. If you are planning to use custom HTML along with some basic videos and content or Google maps then this is the perfect plugin for you.

The jQuery Responsive Grid Quote


If you are interested in displaying the customer testimonial on your website or some information that you need your customer to understand, then this is probably the plugin you should use. The amazing features this plugin holds includes an auto delay slideshow along with optional auto scroll and optional thumbnail.

jSlider Pro

jSlider Pro

Wish to work with HTML5 using customizable banner rotation plugins that would give you responsive browsers? Then jSlider Pro is the plugin which is complete with highly adaptable and flexible features which would help you create the right website.

Dasky Timeline Slider

Dasky Timeline Slider

This is basically a timeline slider which allows you to showcase your product’s chagelog/loadmark and also the loadmark of your team. You can always fallback on this plugin.

J.B. Slider-Standalone

J.B. Slider-Standalone

This is a complete image based jQuery plugin which comes with a description box and, links for further read. This can be used only on Internet Explorer version 7 to 9 or on Google Chrome, Mozzila Firefox, Safari and Opera. It is very easy to use.

Versatile Touch Slider

Versatile Touch Slider

This plugin is basically used as a banner rotator or as a plugin to display products. You can drag and drop images to this tool and, it also has a navigation attached to it.  This plugin comes with a plethora of features and functions of which its touch is definitely the most useful



It is a slideshow plugin that comes with effects for sleek and smooth transition. It can be used on all modern browsers.



This is a mobile optimized jQuery lugin which uses CSS3 for the animations. You can load unlimited slides with images and content. The features that are attractive include touchswipe, mousewheel and keyboard interactions.

Ultimate Smart Slider

Ultimate Smart Slider

Want to give your website some images with captions, just create a folder name your images and, use this plugin. This automatically creates a slider of images wherein you can change the order of images.



This is easy to use image plus content plugin which includes animated captions and, a responsive layout with touch support especially for mobile devices. You can create image sliders, slideshows, content slider, banner rotation using this plugin.

All Around

All Around

This is a slider solution that works for the best of your website. It supports images and videos along with content. If you have an e-commerce website, this is the perfect plugin for you. This plugin serves the purpose of all small and large websites.

Cloud Carousel

Cloud Carousel

If you wish to display credits and have auto reflections for your images, use this jQuery Carousel. This is beneficial if you use it with Javascript. It proves to be good for your website’s SEO and integration. It has realistic features. This plugin also sizes the position along with the actual size of the images so that images don’t look disproportionate.

bxSlide is a fully responsive jQuery content slider that allows simulation of videos, images and content along with ease of use.

jCover Flip

jCover Flip

This is a widget that allows you to administer your website’s content and make sure it appears appealing. It can be configured with other modules also.

Agile Carousel

Agile Carousel

This plugin is best used for a slideshow and is available in JSON data format for easy integration.

Rotating Image Slider

Rotating Image Slider

If you wish to have an asymmetrical image slider, you could possibly use this plugin.

You could use any of these plugins to make sure your website looks appealing. An appealing website would automatically generate good traffic.

This is a guest post by +Janice Noel. Janice is a creative writer and web design enthusiast. She prefers HTML Templates by MotoCMS to design her client’s websites.


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