30 Vibrant Examples of Purple Website Design
Trends in web design have been changing even faster with the passing weeks. More specifically vibrant artwork and colors have taken the reigns and provide amazing detail for designers. If you’ve been following the current design trends you’ll notice how popular single colors have become.
Purple is among the highest in popular colors. It provides a scent of royalty and passion no matter what artistic work it’s in. Purple along with black and white muted elements will stand out even more and provides the perfect color scheme for a new-age website. Common examples include design studios and freelancer’s personal pages.
Included in the list below are many varying types of purple-themed website layouts. These collections span the entire world and include designs from very talented artists. If you know of similar purple websites please share your resources in the discussion section below!
Here is two another purple site :
I am not going to lie, when i originally clicked this blog I was scared. Purple is such a bold color to go with when you are talking design standards, but most of these show a good use of it. A couple of the sites are not designed well, but I would say over 75% of them are useable.
Nathan Marcarelli
http://www.treelifedesigns.com Small Business Web Design
Here is a site we designed using purple type and a solid purple footer on each page. http://www.raisels.com
I recently launched my own revamped site in purple: http://www.webfinity-design.nl I have to admit I hasitated about the color purple, but I think it worked out OK. What do you guys think?
I loveee the purple color specially on the moony website
Theo Wils: the shade of purple u have used is more towards the bluish shade but it looks nice