Author: skyje

usability 0

Evaluating Your Website’s Usability

When designing your business website, it’s important to pay attention to the way the interface affects users. Have you ever walked into a store, taken one look around and decided it wasn’t for you?...

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Inside Amazon’s Fake Book Problem

An Amazon Kindle Unlimited author recently brought to light a hack scammer have been using to collect many thousands of dollars in dishonest royalty payouts. According to this writer, books that are little more...


SEO for Starters

I know what it’s like to be faceless online in a world of harsh competition – you ask yourself “Why am I not even appearing on Page 20 of Google, let alone page 1? ...


Digital Services Worth Hiring a Professional for

When your business is primarily – or entirely – based in the digital world, there are various things you can do yourself to optimize your workflow and ensure that you’re not wasting too many...


Up-to-date trends in healthcare mobile app development

Healthcare industry doesn’t stay stagnant. It witnesses drastic changes in the approaches to storing and sharing the patient information. On a positive note, the more and more medical institutions do away with the old-fashioned...


7 WordPress themes built over React framework

WordPress is the most famous and most powerful content management system of all time. According to SimilarTech It’s currently used in 27 million web pages  on the internet and many of the websites used...


Milk packaging design: do it right

Think that only rare products deserve an unusual packaging design? The milk packagings we want to show you will convince you otherwise. When you see a bottle of milk that looks like a bottle...


Simplify Email Marketing with Automation 360

How to maximize ROI? How to build long standing relations with the clients? How to automate my business workflow? These are the questions of interest to any business. Regardless of marketing type you’re doing,...


How To Integrate Social Media And Content Marketing?

Indeed, with each passing day, the world is becoming even smarter!! In every sector, a new innovation is creating some huge difference. So, when it comes to business, then the scenario remains the same...


5 Steps to Creating a Credible Blog for Your Business

Creating a blog for your business isn’t very complicated. You purchase your domain name, set up web hosting, install blogging software and begin publishing blog posts. That’s pretty straightforward. It’s not expensive, and it...