Author: skyje

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Build your Website using Pixpa

In the professional realm, your online portfolio is your career calling card. Owing to the immense importance your online presence holds, it is imperative to have a website builder that give you full freedom...


35 Speed Optimized Blogging WordPress Themes

The speed of a website has a direct impact on the search rankings according to what Google has repeatedly announced in the past. The mechanism is simple to comprehend, if your website loads quickly...

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The Ease Of Setting Up Thesis Themes

I have been writing several reviews about Thesis Themes simply because it is undoubtedly the best WordPress theme framework in the market today. Numerous people find it difficult to install Thesis Themes hence today...

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How To Match Your Web Design To Your Industry

One of the biggest web design questions we hear is how do I match my design to my industry? Marketers always want their web design to immediately demonstrate their business. And with good reason....


10 Best Online Presentation Tools

A good presentation is all about tactfully organizing relevant information and conveying it through visual elements. A presenter should always give equal importance to both text as well as visual content. And, most importantly,...


How to Unlock Your Samsung Galaxy S6 or S6 Edge

Smartphones have become indispensible devices in today’s world governed more and more by technology. A study made by Statista, one of the leading statistics companies on the internet, used by companies like Mashable and...