Category: Articles


The danger of public Wi-Fi network

Free Wi-Fi hot spots are available at every corner. Apart from convenience these networks can bring only additional problems as attract cyber criminals who are targeting the private data of naïve Wi-Fi users. The...


Benefits of Webinars for Marketing

Webinars are becoming increasingly popular with many businesses as a marketing tool. So what are webinars? They are basically virtual conferences which allow you to interact in real time with customers and prospects from...

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Developing a Google Search-friendly website

Are you having trouble driving targeted traffic to your blog or company website? If so, it might be time to take a long, hard look at your website and your online marketing efforts. There...


How to Delight Your E-Commerce Customers

Even the simplest act of delighting one’s customer has an enormous impact on them and for the business. Going the extra mile doesn’t mean breaking the bank and giving in to unreasonable customer requests....


How knowledge management systems can enhance your business

A knowledge management system (KMS) is an IT system that enhances the knowledge management process, including storing and retrieving knowledge, encouraging collaboration, and using that knowledge efficiently. According to Gartner in 2006, 85% of...


How can cloud computing benefit your business?

Currently, businesses are looking for new or different ways to take advantage of the newest technologies, one of those being cloud computing. By definition, cloud computing uses the Internet or “the cloud” to deliver...