Author: skyje


wordpress plugins for rss

RSS is one of those technologies that are extremely simple .There are a number of plugins that allow you to display an RSS feed on your WordPress blog here all available wordpress plugins for...


4 twitter wordpress themes

Best themes for WordPress blogs.Collection of Twitter WordPress themes its looks like you are in twitter 1-Twitter Journalist WordPress Theme Feel free to download The Twitter Journalist, a minimal WordPress theme based on The...


TwitZap: the best to use twitter

Services and applications serving the twitter site is on the rise – if not find what you want in one might find in the other – although note updates to improve the twitter from...

62 twitter tools 15

62 twitter tools

Twitter Tools to Help You Achieve All Your Goals to improve your Twitter experience Here’s 62 of cool Twitter tools you can use to make your Twittying. 1-TwitBin TwitBin is an extension for firefox...


6 tutorials to gain more twitter followers

Followers are people who receive other peoples’ Twitter updates. (Wait, isn’t that everyone? Most of the time, yes.)  When you post an update to your Twitter account, your followers will get it on their...


Free Premium Photoshop Custom Shapes

This list of Photoshop shapes is so helpful for every designer who want to design his shapes or images or logos. You can also check some premium Photoshop Add-ons here. Free Premium Photoshop Custom Shapes...


wordpress ads plugins

wordpress ad manager plugins will help you control your ads and also insert ads in content and sidebar here  wordpress ads plugins check them. Clickbank Ad Feed Add a Clickbank text ad feed widget...


windows 7 security softwares

All companies engaged in the development of protection software to bring solutions to protect the next operating system Windows 7 and to date there are 3 companies have already issued copies of the experimental...


26 rss feed icons collections

Providing your visitors with an rss feed subscription is an excellent way to keep them updated with the latest news added to your blog or site. here a free 26 rss feed collections to...


wordpress feed plugins

wordpress feed plugins. This plugins allows you  and users to share content created elsewhere. You can set up RSS feeds to share and this plugins will help you. The DFE News Harvester Register and...


101 wordpress video plugins

On this list You’ll find all available wordpress video plugins this plugins will help you in adding videos to your blog Viper’s Video Quicktags Allows easy and XHTML valid posting of videos from various...


wordpress mail plugins

wordpress mail plugins makes it super easy to connect your readers through emails. Tiny Contact Form Little form that allows site visitors to contact you. No Disposable Email This plugin prevent people from registering...