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3 Responses

  1. alya says:

    thank you for your great and amazing site that bring the espirit to our mind .
    i like all your linked . as matter of fact in annimation slide show wow. now i have opend the logo . indeed; itry to use it by using my adope reader . finaly ilook under the photo of create fresh logo .. thank you i like it . yes

  2. A logo is act as powerful symbol and represents a company in the most favorable manner. It’s really nice blog and very useful and informative for a Logo by this is more nature commands a big power and for an effective one could instantly get recognition to a person, organization, company or group. You’re the prime reasons that more company wishes to have a powerful Logo.

  3. Logos are the first coat of paint on a website/brand. I almost said the foundation but I think a content management system like WordPress is more of the foundation. We use logos as starting point of the sites we design.

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