Category: Articles

Artificial Intelligence vs Human Intelligence 0

Artificial Intelligence vs Human Intelligence

 The word intelligence comes from a Latin word intelligere which means “to understand”. Hence intelligence is defined as a general mental ability for reasoning, problem-solving, and learning. Also, intelligence integrates cognitive functions such as...

Is your online identity protected 0

Is your Online Identity Protected?

Today, we live in a world of technology and social media. No one takes a single step without checking in at their social media profiles and whatnot. The internet has done us all a...


Content Creation Tips for Ecommerce Sellers

Many ecommerce sellers understand the value written content brings to their site in the form of search engine traffic and customer engagement. However, they are at a loss for actually creating this content. They...


Best A2 Hosting Features

The A2 Hosting is known for their speeds, quick access and customer support that tends to be great but are they really great for your blog or websites? Let’s check out their features They...


How to Bring Your Technology Idea to Life

Technology production can be incredibly lucrative when an idea is effectively executed. If you have a seemingly innovative idea you believe could prove to be a big hit, you might be eager to get...