Skyje Blog


The Magic of Parallax Design

Parallax design is at the forefront of web design principles. The new three-dimensional display of objects has been capturing the attention of visitors all over the web and is being used by the veterans...


Create A Website With IM Creator

Everybody seems to have a website nowadays. From bestselling authors like Jeffrey Archer to super hit movie stars like Selena Gomez and from the business based website of that local store to the aspiring...


2012 Olympics Infographic

Infographics have quickly become a popular and useful tool for link-building campaigns, allowing for a phenomenal number of links to be built when utilised to their full extent. However, because they’ve become such a...


How to design your website to be more interactive

Whether you are creating a personal site or a business site, one of the major functions of a website is often to engage others and create conversation or other meaningful interaction. While quality content,...


A bid to simplify app designing

The seed was sown by Apple in 2007 when it launched its first iOS-based iPhone, sooner  popularity of the App Store started increasing significantly. App Store had more than 58 million users by the...


When Working from Home isn’t Enough

Freelance work is fantastic: there are so many benefits aside from the fact that you often need to work in numerous roles in addition to the creative, including sales, accountancy and (maybe not always...


6 Design Mistakes That Destroy its Usability

Your website may have great content and pleasing design, but if visitors don’t stay very long in your site, there seems to be a problem with it. What can be the problem you ask?...


30 Eye-Popping Yellow Website Designs

” Yeah, they were all yellow “…and so goes the lyrics of a favorite Coldplay piece of mine. Every now and again I get a project that has a strong color focus and yellow...


30 Unbelievable Examples of Street Art

One of the more inspiring elements of street art or graffiti is that it takes such a plain, simple part of our everyday lives and transforms it into something beautiful. Walls, trucks, pavements, drains,...